Website slow down – after update to latte/latte 3.0.4
- m.brecher
- Generous Backer | 873
I have upgraded from latte/latte 2.11.6 to latte/latte 3.0.4 and noticed remarkable drop of the speed of the website.
latte/latte 2.11.6: page render time approx. 70 ms, 165 included files
latte/latte 3.0.4: page render time approx. 140 ms, 260 included files
this edited 1.3.2023
I have tested all upgraded packages and only latte is responsible for the problem. I have PHP 8.2.3. No db query on tested page, latte templates were compiled.
Is there any solution how to come back to the previous speed with the newest version of latte?
Last edited by m.brecher (2023-03-01 02:33)
- Marek Bartoš
- Nette Blogger | 1280
Latte runtime should not be much different from previous versions. Probably best would be to profile page with to check what takes so much time
- mystik
- Member | 313
That is weird because main difference between Latte 2 and LAtte 3 was in process of compilation. Rendering of compiled templates is mostly the same.
Can you post diff of compiled Latte 2 and Latte 3 version of given template?
And as @MarekBartoš suggested try profiling. To find out where bottleneck is.
Last edited by mystik (2023-02-26 18:26)
- m.brecher
- Generous Backer | 873
@MarekBartoš and @mystik
Thank both for comments,
yes, I will do more testing of the case. The bottleneck looks 90% sure 100 more of included files in latte 3.0.4 comparing 2.11.6 (on the same page). That is what I intend to inspect carefully – do the list of the files in both versions of latte and compare them. And see what files (classes) are loaded additionally and decelerate the website speed. I note that I run PHP 8.2 od Apache + Windows 10.
But it would be also wise to compare the numbers with some other developers. Please do one of you a small test od simple page from layout with one action latte file without db query on these two latte versions:
latte/latte 2.11.6
latte/latte 3.0.4
and post me into this thread a) render time b) number of included files (Tracy)
My numbers are in my first post here, it would be interesting to compare them.
I will post the list of additionally included approx. 100 files (classes) in latte 3.0.4 – this probably will show the root of the problem.
Last edited by m.brecher (2023-03-01 00:33)
- m.brecher
- Generous Backer | 873
the root of the problem has been found. The latte templates are repeatedly endless compiling and in the directory /temp/cache/latte after every rendering of the same page appears new and new compiled files.
A few days ago I have found another cache problem in latte translations of template texts and posted this here:…latte-v3-0-4
but that problem was in OS Windows only. This new caching problem is Windows/Linux independent.
T have tested this on my home developer machine with Windows and also on Linux server on webhosting – the same problem with endless compiling latte files is on both servers.
The problem can be made also by conflicts between versions of different nette packages, because simple composer update offers latte/latte 2.11.6, not latte/latte 3.0.4.
I have installed this packages:
latte/latte v3.0.4
nette/application v3.1.8
nette/bootstrap v3.1.4
nette/caching v3.1.4
nette/component-model v3.0.2
nette/database v3.1.6
nette/di v3.1.0
nette/finder v2.6.0
nette/forms v3.1.9-RC
nette/http v3.2.1
nette/mail v3.1.9
nette/neon v3.3.3
nette/php-generator v4.0.5
nette/robot-loader v3.4.2
nette/routing v3.0.3
nette/schema v1.2.3
nette/security v3.1.6
nette/utils v3.2.8
tracy/tracy v2.9.5
Last edited by m.brecher (2023-03-01 03:01)
- David Grudl
- Nette Core | 8239
Why are you using Latte 3.0.4, where the cache problem was, and not version 3.0.5, where it's fixed?
- m.brecher
- Generous Backer | 873
Why are you using Latte 3.0.4, where the cache problem was, and not version 3.0.5, where it's fixed?
Yes, after composer require latte/latte 3.0.5 the speed of the page is OK. Thank for your help. I could have thought of upgrading to the latest version of the latte/latte myself too :).