Upgrades in Latte plugin for PHPStorm

Nette Blogger | 236


I'm working on upgrade for Latte plugin for PHPStorm. Now is in the beta version only, you can download and test it by download link. It can be installed from disk (help for install). I will be happy if as many people as possible try it out before we release the official version. There were a lot of changes, so let’s test it out.

Before stable will be released, new beta versions will be pushed to Github and in this forum will be posted information about new update. Download link will be same.

Download and testing EAP version

Latte plugin for IntelliJ is downloadable from the JetBrains plugin repository directly in the PHPStorm. Latte plugin for IntelliJ using channel eap which contains the latest release candidate.


  • Custom template class… – More informations about new templateType macro. Macro varType is equivalent for /** @var string|null $foo */ and have this syntax: {vatType string|null $foo}.
  • I also created small update for Neon plugin


If you find some bug, please reply to this topic and I will add it to issues list.

Important notes

  • Refactoring for class names is now supported only from PHP to Latte


  • Increased minimum compatibility with PhpStorm version to 2017.3 from PhpStorm 8 (pre-2016.2 IDE version)
  • added support for PHP content
  • added variable types
  • added highlighting and go to source support for latte variables
  • added support for define custom default variables per project
  • added completions for latte variables, PHP functions, methods, constants and properties
  • added varType macro
  • added templateType macro
  • added support for define type in {var Bar\FooClass $class = …}
  • added support for mime types and completion it in contentType macro
  • added reference search for usages from PHP to Latte (for classes, methods, properties and constants)
  • added brace matcher for highlight braces
  • added go to source for class names, methods, constants and properties
  • added support for highlighting macro name and pair macro
  • added support for refactoring rename (methods, properties, constants and class names)
  • added code-completion for latte filters
  • added support for adding custom latte filters
  • added UI for setting custom variables, filters and macros
  • added inspections for:
    • class usages (Undefined class)
    • checking not defined variables, more definitions with same variable name etc.
    • checking constant, property and methods visibility (if is not public it make warning)
    • checking not existing constants, properties and methods
    • checking static methods and properties used non statically and vice versa
    • checking valid content for templateType, varType and var macro
    • checking existing latte filters


More of you wrote that they would like to contribute to development. I appreciate it, thanks. So I'm adding a link to PayPal and a bank account number. Donors will be posted here on the forum and in the future somewhere on the web with information about the Latte plugin (if you want, then write a payment note with your name for the recipient).

  • Patreon – more tiers
  • PayPal
  • CZ bank account: 2600850198/2010
Donor list

Last edited by mesour (2020-05-29 14:59)

Nette Blogger | 236

Update 01

I added this to latest update (can be donwloaded by download link in main post):

  • Support for refactoring rename
  • Support for classes not starting with \ and completion without \
  • Added support for PHP functions (completions, reference…)
  • Added completion type hints like string, int… in varType macro
  • Added better support for strings and support for variable used in double quoted string like: "foo-string $bar"

This is new compared to the version that has been on the Slack.

Nette Blogger | 236

Update 02

I added this to latest update (can be donwloaded by download link in main post):

  • Fixed bug with refactoring rename
  • Fixed bug in completion and reference class members if class name is without \ and if is |null in type
  • Added support for define type in {var Bar\FooClass $class = ...}
  • Added support for define variable in macro {capture $definition}
  • Added completion for content types to {contentType application/json} macro

I think this can be first release candidate. Because all important features are implemented. Only minor changes are in need fix section in issues list.

  • Please if someone have PHPStorm with Java version 8, test it. I change settings for project and try it compile it for Java 8, but it is hard to test for me with Java 11.

Last edited by mesour (2020-01-07 22:06)

Nette Blogger | 236

Update 03

I added this to latest update (can be donwloaded by download link in main post):

  • Added some performance improvements
  • Added code-completion for latte filters
  • Added support for adding custom latte filters
  • Added UI for setting custom variables, filters and macros
  • Added inspection for checking existing latte filters

Now Im waiting for review and some things to solve around the merge to the main repository. After this it can be released. But I think it's good to wait a week or two for finding bugs in this version. Only adding templatePrint macro is planed to this version. Next features really in future versions.

If you want donate, I added a section to main post.

Last edited by mesour (2020-01-08 19:16)

Nette Blogger | 236

Update 04

I added this to the latest update (can be downloaded by a download link in the main post):

  • Added support for templatePrint macro
  • Added tests for LattePhpLexer
  • Added completion for macro end tag
  • Improved n: attributes completion
  • Improved pages with settings for (macros, variables, and custom functions)
  • Fixed bug in completion for the end tag macro
  • Fixed annotator messages and annotating for some cases
  • Nette macros moved to custom configurations and can be disabled for the project with Latte only
  • Fixed bugs with unclosed block macro and translate macro
  • Fixed macro completion at the end of the file

I have created a pull request. Now it is mergeable without conflicts. Now I'm working only on testing and bug fixing.

Last edited by mesour (2020-01-13 21:10)

Nette Blogger | 236

Update 05

I added this to the latest update (can be downloaded by a download link in the main post):

  • Fixed bug in filters completion and settings

You have not reported any bugs for ~2 weeks and this update is minor. Now I will merge it to master and I will initiate for the plugin to be published.

Last edited by mesour (2020-01-25 08:49)

Nette Blogger | 236

Update 06

I added this to the latest update (can be downloaded by a download link in the main post):

  • Changed functionality for reset buttons in settings (now working only with Nette macros, variables…)
  • Renamed macro to tag
  • Fixed bugs in macro settings UI
  • Fixed completion for magic methods prefixed with __ (complete only if __ is typed)
  • Fixed bug in completion for custom-defined filters

This is the latest update before release.

Tomáš Jacík
Member | 147

@mesour Can you post your account number here? Are you able to make an invoice if my company donate too?


Nette Blogger | 236

@TomášJacík I added the bank account to Donate information in the main post. I can make an invoice. If you want, email me by the contact form here: https://mesour.com/cs#… or message me on Slack

Last edited by mesour (2020-02-10 19:32)

Nette Blogger | 236

Version 1.0.0

I merged it to master and asked competent people to publish a new version of the plugin.

This is planed in the next version (v1.0.2)

  • Fix and add more if completing code (for faster code writing in latte templates)
    • Complete variables without typing $
    • and more…
  • Try to implement some performance improvements
  • Fix resolving methods if a type is more classes FooClass|BarClass (sometimes bugging)
  • And more bug fixes if someone reports a new bug

Important planed features (v1.1.0)

  • Add support for optional chaining
    • {$order->item?->name}, {if $blogPost?->count(‘*’)}
    • Add intention for add optional chaining
  • Added resolving in foreach and ArrayAccess ($arr['foo']) for types defined with []. Example: FooClass[]
  • Inspections
    • For checking nullable types (eg. calling method on nullable variable)
    • For checking foreach value, must be array or iterable
    • For used @deprecated and @internal PHP elements

Last edited by mesour (2020-02-18 02:23)

Nette Blogger | 236

The plugin is not yet published to JetBrains repository. I updated the download link in main post to download the current version.

Nette Blogger | 236

A new version of the plugin has been submitted for moderation. Now we are waiting for a security check from JetBrains. The request will be processed within two business days. After this, the plugin will be visible and downloadable for all, normally from IDEA Preferences -> Plugins.

Last edited by mesour (2020-02-10 19:18)

Nette Core | 1283

Hi. This is awesome and thanks for your work!

I'm excited about {varType} macro and Latte autocompletion. Unfortunatelly, I'm running Latte v2.6. So, I published small LatteBackportMacros class as a workaround before upgrade to 2.7.

Nette Blogger | 236

Thank you all for your positive feedback and donating. In the future, I plan to update the plugin to make work with it even easier :)

Version 1.0.2

Version 1.0.1 was released and here is a new planed update.

If you want, you can test it by direct download from GitHub: DOWNLOAD and install it manually from a disc.

I added this to the latest update:

  • added code style settings (settings for use tabs or spaces) (issue #46, #30)
  • added support for define variable in tag {default $foo = 123}
  • added class namespaces completion
  • added support for define variables by {php [$foo, $bar] = $arr}
  • implemented some performance improvements
  • fixed resolving methods if a type is more classes FooClass|BarClass
  • fixed completion for unpaired macro after if missing end }
  • fixed filters on variables (issue #47)
  • fixed wrong indent for elseifset (issue #42)
  • fixed multiple variable definitions in for/foreach cycles
  • fixed auto-complete (disabled in strings, more improvements)
  • increased minimum compatibility to 2018.3

I'll wait a week for the bugs report and after this, I'll release this version.

Last edited by mesour (2020-02-18 18:31)

Member | 474

hi @mesour, first I want to thank you for this plugin, nice work!

I have one surprising behavior, I have template:

{varType Student $student}

Above is analysed fine getName is known method, but if I assign variable:

{varType Student $student}
{var $course = $student->getCourse()} <-- whithout type definition

…method getName is highlighted as unknown.

For completion – interfaces of PHP classes:

interface Student {
	public function getCourse(): Course;

interface Course {
	public function getName(): string;

Is this expected behavior?

Nette Core | 1283

Issue: Support stdClass type

If I typehint variable as {varType stdClass $data} I get an error First value in {varType} tag must be typehint. When I use typehint \stdClass the error disappears but I still see higlighted properties like Property 'xyz' not found on $data->xyz.

Would be great to accept any property with stdClass.

Member | 133

Milo wrote:

Issue: Support stdClass type

If I typehint variable as {varType stdClass $data} I get an error First value in {varType} tag must be typehint. When I use typehint \stdClass the error disappears but I still see higlighted properties like Property 'xyz' not found on $data->xyz.

Would be great to accept any property with stdClass.

what's the point of even using varType if you set it as stdClass?

David Grudl
Nette Core | 8183

dkorpar wrote:

what's the point of even using varType if you set it as stdClass?

The editor and static analysis will know that it is stdClass, not a string or a number, …

Nette Blogger | 236

MajklNajt wrote:

hi @mesour, first I want to thank you for this plugin, nice work!

I have one surprising behavior, I have template:

{varType Student $student}

Is this expected behavior?

@MajklNajt: Hi, I think, it is because there is not support to use classes without \ if class have not namespace. Try use:

{varType \Student $student}

Last edited by mesour (2020-03-05 10:27)

Nette Blogger | 236

Milo wrote:

Issue: Support stdClass type

If I typehint variable as {varType stdClass $data} I get an error First value in {varType} tag must be typehint. When I use typehint \stdClass the error disappears but I still see higlighted properties like Property 'xyz' not found on $data->xyz.

Would be great to accept any property with stdClass.

@Milo: Support for \stdClass will be added.

Member | 474

Hi @messour, namespace is not problem, your cited code snippet work fine, problem is only with this:

{varType \Student $student}
{var $course = $student->getCourse()} <-- getCourse() is known, it returns \Course
{$course->getName()} <-- getName() is unknown for latte plugin

In runtime it work properly, only static analysis in PhpStorm screams

Last edited by MajklNajt (2020-03-05 13:33)

Nette Blogger | 236

Version 1.0.3

Hi, we finally managed to complete the implementation of Gradle into the Latte plugin with @Rixafy, thus freeing up space for further tweaks to the Latte plugin. Specifically, these are now the following:

  • implemented Gradle
  • added support for reformat code for spaces around assignment and equality operators
  • added support for reformat code for spaces after tag name and before closing tag
  • added support for reformat code for spaces before tag filters
  • added support for change syntax highlight for operators
  • added Latte context for live templates
  • added live templates {fore, {forek, {ife and {frm
  • switched to not deprecated api around Latte code formatter
  • upgraded more deprecated usages
  • improved LattePhpType to use less memory and work faster (about –75% processing time)
  • added live templates {fore, {forek, {fori, {ife and {frm
  • added new tags {do}, {sandbox}, {varPrint}
  • added new macro |batch:(array, length [, item])
  • added tag {inputError} – (reload for Nette tag settings needed)
  • fixed issue #66 – methods, constants and properties are now recognized for static classes
  • fixed issue #64 – ifcontent is now macro without parameters
  • fixed issue #61 – improved working with methods (now it is prepared for future enhacements)
  • fixed issue #69 – determine type for a variable, if call some on this now working

IMPORTANT is testing for reformat code. Try reformat your latte templates by reformat code in IDE and check if automatic reformat make some weird in code. If it will be OK, it can be published as stable version.

Last edited by mesour (2020-05-24 21:34)

Nette Blogger | 236

MajklNajt wrote:

Hi @messour, namespace is not problem, your cited code snippet work fine, problem is only with this:

{varType \Student $student}
{var $course = $student->getCourse()} <-- getCourse() is known, it returns \Course
{$course->getName()} <-- getName() is unknown for latte plugin

In runtime it work properly, only static analysis in PhpStorm screams

Moved to issue: https://github.com/…te/issues/69

Last edited by mesour (2020-05-16 23:12)

Nette Blogger | 236

Version 1.1.0 – XML config update

  • Version 1.0.3 was renamed to 1.1.0

More info about XML files: DOCUMENTATION
XML file for Nette < 3: latte-intellij.xml

  • added support for load configuration from XML files (issue #81)
  • added support for multi line macro settings
  • added support for reformat code for spaces around assignment and equality operators
  • added support for reformat code for spaces after tag name and before closing tag
  • added support for reformat code for spaces before tag filters
  • added support for change syntax highlight for operators
  • added Latte context for live templates
  • added live templates {fore, {forek, {fori and {ife
  • added new tags {do}, {sandbox}, {widget} and {varPrint}
  • added new filter |batch:(array, length [, item])
  • added tag {inputError} – (reload for Nette tag settings needed)
  • switched to not deprecated api around Latte code formatter
  • upgraded more deprecated usages
  • improved LattePhpType to use less memory and work faster (about –75% processing time)
  • implemented Gradle (for better plugin development)
  • tag {? …} was tagged as deprecated since Nette 2.4
  • increased minimum compatibility to PhpStorm 193.5233.102
  • fixed issue #66 – methods, constants and properties are now recognized for static classes
  • fixed issue #64 – ifcontent is now macro without parameters
  • fixed issue #61 – improved working with methods (now it is prepared for future enhacements)
  • fixed issue #69 – determine type for a variable, if call some on this now working
  • fixed issue #62 – now is space after function name allowed and it is determined as function
  • fixed issue #80 – better parsing for namespaces and classes and fixed refactoring for classes
  • fixed issue #72 – added support for double colons in filters
  • fixed issue #77 – added inspection for deprecated and internal usages
  • fixed issue #55 – fixed macro {label foo} as unpaired (also fixed other AUTO_EMPTY tags)

Last edited by mesour (2020-05-29 14:56)

Nette Blogger | 236

Version 1.1.0 – RC3


RC3 is out and from now is downloadable from JetBrains plugin repository directly in the PHPStorm. Latte plugin for IntelliJ using channel eap which contains the latest release candidate.

  • Improved tag completion information
  • Added support to set tag arguments
    • this replace hasParameters attribute from settings and xml config
  • Separated Nette tags to nette/application and nette/forms tags
  • Fixed @deprecated and @internal in completion and inspections for PHP functions and variables from templateType tag
Nette Blogger | 236

Version 1.1.0 – RC4 – Iterable types


RC4 is out and from now is downloadable from JetBrains plugin repository directly in the PHPStorm. Latte plugin for IntelliJ using channel eap which contains the latest release candidate.

  • I added Testing EAP version section to README.md for more info about installing EAP versions
  • Added support for iterable types (issue #70)
  • Added new inspections for iterable types (issue #78)
  • Added support for array access (eg. $arr[][]) to parser (issue #82)
  • Added support for define variables in tag {define} (issue #84)
  • Added live template {va
  • Fixed detecting variable type from code
  • Fixed bug in autocomplete inside var macro
  • Added support for using HTML elements in PSI tree (internal feature for future improvements)

You can now sponsor this open-source project through Patreon.

Do Nette plugins save you development time? Send a couple of 💸 a month my way too. Thank you!

More information about donating in README.md

Nette Blogger | 236

Version 1.1.0 – Iterable types and XML update


Stable version is now out.

Important features
  • Implemented live templates
  • Added support for iterable types
  • Added better support for reformat code
  • Added support for load configuration from XML files
  • Multi-line tag support
  • Fixed more issues

I created Github sponsors profile. You can now sponsor this open-source project through Github.

Do Nette plugins save you development time? Send a couple of 💸 a month my way too. Thank you!

More information about donating in Repository and README.md

Last edited by mesour (2020-07-14 13:04)

Member | 89

I have problem with macro {/block}. It write error message : T_MACRO_OPEN_TAG_OPEN expected, got ‘{/}’

Nette Blogger | 236

zoool wrote:

I have problem with macro {/block}. It write error message : T_MACRO_OPEN_TAG_OPEN expected, got ‘{/}’

I think it is the same problem as: https://github.com/…e/issues/109

Last edited by mesour (2020-07-29 12:51)

Member | 30

Hi, I have a wierd problem, code like this:

<ul class="nav nav-pills flex-column mainmenu">
	{if isset($admin) && $admin}
		<li class="nav-item menutoggle" data-menutoggle="adminmenu">
			<a class="menuhead" href="#"><h3>Admin</h3></a>
		<li class="nav-item menutoggle" data-menutoggle="employeemenu">
			<a class="menuhead" href="#"><h3>Zaměstnanec</h3></a>
		<li class="nav-item employeemenu">
			<a n:class="$presenter->isLinkCurrent(':Todo:*') ? active, nav-link" n:href=":Todo:default">Činnosti</a>
	{if $rent_acc}
		<li class="nav-item menutoggle" data-menutoggle="rentmenu">
			<a class="menuhead" href="#"><h3>Rent</h3></a>

after reformating becomes:

<ul class="nav nav-pills flex-column mainmenu">
	{if isset($admin) && $admin}
		<li class="nav-item menutoggle" data-menutoggle="adminmenu">
			<a class="menuhead" href="#"><h3>Admin</h3></a>

	<li class="nav-item menutoggle" data-menutoggle="employeemenu">
			<a class="menuhead" href="#"><h3>Zaměstnanec</h3></a>

	<li class="nav-item employeemenu">
			<a n:class="$presenter->isLinkCurrent(':Todo:*') ? active, nav-link" n:href=":Todo:default">Činnosti</a>
	{if $rent_acc}
		<li class="nav-item menutoggle" data-menutoggle="rentmenu">
			<a class="menuhead" href="#"><h3>Rent</h3></a>

and each reformating after that adds empty lines:

<ul class="nav nav-pills flex-column mainmenu">
	{if isset($admin) && $admin}
		<li class="nav-item menutoggle" data-menutoggle="adminmenu">
			<a class="menuhead" href="#"><h3>Admin</h3></a>

	<li class="nav-item menutoggle" data-menutoggle="employeemenu">
			<a class="menuhead" href="#"><h3>Zaměstnanec</h3></a>

	<li class="nav-item employeemenu">
			<a n:class="$presenter->isLinkCurrent(':Todo:*') ? active, nav-link" n:href=":Todo:default">Činnosti</a>
	{if $rent_acc}
		<li class="nav-item menutoggle" data-menutoggle="rentmenu">
			<a class="menuhead" href="#"><h3>Rent</h3></a>

Latte plugin 1.1.4, PhpStorm 2021.2.3, win 10 64b.

Nette Blogger | 236

dTTb wrote:

Hi, I have a wierd problem, code like this:


and each reformating after that adds empty lines:

<ul class="nav nav-pills flex-column mainmenu">
	{if isset($admin) && $admin}
		<li class="nav-item menutoggle" data-menutoggle="adminmenu">
			<a class="menuhead" href="#"><h3>Admin</h3></a>

Latte plugin 1.1.4, PhpStorm 2021.2.3, win 10 64b.

Hello, it is known bug described here: https://github.com/…e/issues/175. I haven't been able to figure out what the problem is yet. But I'm trying to work it out sometimes.

Member | 30

Seems to me as opposite problem – adding lines instead of erasing (in #175), but it's fixed in 1.1.5
Thank you