Class and factory are missing in definition of service ‘*’
Notice: This thread is very old.
- holantomas
- Member | 55
Hi I don't know if it's bug or “feature” BUT.
If I try to use combinatione Nette\DI\CompilerExtension
with standard config.neon setup it's throws
Class and factory are missing in definition of service 'testService'
Extension file
I am doing something wrong?
- jiri.pudil
- Nette Blogger | 1032
The prefix
method in CompilerExtension prefixes the service name
with the name of the extension as registered in extensions
i.e. in your case it is test.testService
- holantomas
- Member | 55
It's working. Thanks! Never read about that.
EDIT: This topic can be closed.
Last edited by holantomas (2016-04-04 13:18)