I have a problem with database
Notice: This thread is very old.
- zool
- Member | 144
Hallo, please i have a problem with database. When I manually select the columns from the table, and then I start listing, listings, and even that I did not do a query, so I nerver nothing comes back and writes connection interrupted. I do not even show up tracy. I use nette 2.3
- David Grudl
- Nette Core | 8228
A good bug report shouldn't leave others needing to chase you up for more information. Please try to be as detailed as possible in your report.
- zool
- Member | 144
ok, I have request to Database
$this->template->pages = $this->select("stranky.id, :stranky_pre.nazev, stranky.uvod")->where(":stranky_pre.jazyk.hlavni", 1);
I'll start listing in tamplate
<tr role="row" n:foreach="$pages as $page" class="{$iterator->isOdd() ? "odd" : "even"}">
<td class="sorting_1">{$page->id}</td>
<td>{$page->datum|date:'j. n. Y'}
I do not have a DATUM column in the SELECT. Server does not return
If you add a column DATUM there, so everything works. Debug information (tracy)
is not show to me.