Nette Framework 2.1.3 release candidate

Notice: This thread is very old.
David Grudl
Nette Core | 8239

I'd like to release 2.1.3. Here is release candidate, please test it. For the details about the changes you can have a look at the Github diff.

  • Strings::fixEncoding() uses iconv in PHP 5.3, because htmlspecialchars can be very slow
  • added option to disable autoloading of annotation classes via AnnotationsParser::$useAnnotationClasses (disabled by default!)
  • Reverted SendmailMailer use CRLF in subject, see comment
  • fixed detection of primary keys in SQlite
Member | 217

I have not found any problems with the version yet. However, I use PHP 5.4 and I do not have any machine with PHP 5.3.