@fopen in Nette/Caching/Storages/FileStorage.php
Notice: This thread is very old.
- esorimer
- Member | 114
@fopen($file,‘r+b’) in
Nette/Caching/Storages/FileStorage.php causes an error in methods
and readMetaAndLock($file, $lock);
(if you
have set your own strict error handlers changing notices to exception)
Nette 2.1.1
protected function readMetaAndLock($file, $lock)
if(!file_exists($file)) return NULL;
$handle = @fopen($file, 'r+b'); // @ - file may not exist
if (!$handle) {
return NULL;
public function lock($key)
$cacheFile = $this->getCacheFile($key);
if ($this->useDirs && !is_dir($dir = dirname($cacheFile))) {
@mkdir($dir); // @ - directory may already exist
if(file_exists($cacheFile)) {
$handle = @fopen($cacheFile, 'r+b'); // @ - file may not exist
} else {
$handle = NULL;
- David Grudl
- Nette Core | 8228
Your error handler is wrong, check for error_reporting() https://github.com/…ironment.php#L56
- esorimer
- Member | 114
Yes, I do not use “error_reporting()” condition in my error handler. I am a little bit paranoid and I do not thing its a good idea use ‘@’ operator.
Btw, this peace of code of lock() method is also not atomic:
$handle = @fopen($cacheFile, 'r+b'); // @ - file may not exist
if (!$handle) {
$handle = fopen($cacheFile, 'wb');
But I do not know the reason of this code, so I am not saying it is wrong :)