Form consisting only from checkbox
Notice: This thread is very old.
- h4kuna
- Backer | 740
Hi, i create checkbox-list send via javascript and if checkboxes are FALSE and one is TRUE then form doesn't execute callback onSuccess. I can't remove last value from database.
Use case:
// presenter
public function createComponentForm() {
$form = new Nette\Application\UI\Form;
$form->addCheckbox('test', 'Ano?')->setValue(1);
$form->onSuccess[] = callback($this, 'form');
return $form;
public function form(Nette\Application\UI\Form $form) {
{control form}
$(document).ready(function ($) {
If you click to checkbox dump won't execute.
But I find hack, whose look like:
public function createComponentForm() {
$form = new Nette\Application\UI\Form;
$form->addCheckbox('test', 'Ano?')->setValue(1);
$form->onSuccess[] = callback($this, 'form');
$form->addHidden('hack', 1);
return $form;
Nette 2.0.10
PHP 5.3.10
Last edited by h4kuna (2013-04-05 22:17)