n:name latte notation for checkboxes

Notice: This thread is very old.
Member | 650

In current dev-master following latte notation doesn't work for checkboxes:

<input n:name="remember" />

It simply generates mere “<input>”, which is caused by calling method Html::attributes(), which in this case returns an empty string (because the Html object contains a label-input pair rather than a single input).

It was probably introduced by this commit.

Nette Core | 1283

See issue 1331.

Member | 650

So in other words, you are saying that I should use:

<input n:name="remember:" />

… which works.

However when I am using n:name notation, it should be obvious to latte, that I merely want to connect the manually written input tag with the form, so IMHO colon shouldn't be necessary here.

And it definitely shouldn't produce empty input tag.

David Grudl
Nette Core | 8139

This is a problem which I am aware. n:name should always use partial rendering. There are three solutions:

  • used method_exists(‘getControlPart’) in FormMacros.php (maybe quick workaround for 2.1.1)
  • add interface for partial rendering
  • add partial rendering directly to BaseControl
Patrik Votoček
Member | 2221

vote for interface