Validation rules priority
Notice: This thread is very old.
- vnovotny
- Member | 12
Hi guys,
I need some help with form validation. I have some bigger form like this:
----Question1 -> Result1
----Question2 -> Result2
----Question1 -> Result1
----Question2 -> Result2
----Question3 -> Result3
----Question4 -> Result4
----Question1 -> Result1
----Question2 -> Result2
I use some nette validation to check if both question and result are filled. If both empty, it is OK and I delete them after submit.
Then I use my custom validation script (client and server side) to check Suma of results in each test (it must be 100 in every test)
How can i force nette to do simple validation first and my custom validation later?
- HosipLan
- Moderator | 4668
There is an event, that might help you. Container::$onValidate…ner.php.html#140