backlink mistake in user-auth example, I think
- caught-in-a-nette
- Member | 19
I began my project using the User Authentication (Nette example) in Github.
I discovered that when I logged-in, the application never took me back to the last place – it always redirected me to the beginning. This was tested thoroughly for many days…
I tried in vain to do many related things (like saving the cookie in a
different way), but I didn't really know what I was affecting…
Finally I just manually traced the steps. I came across the code in the
“injectRequireLoggedUser” method within the
“RequireLoggedUser” trait.
It didn't make sense to save the backlink:
['backlink' => $this->storeRequest()]
when the user had been logged-out ONLY. I decided to copy the same piece of
code and put it in the login attempt section:
if ($user->isLoggedIn()) {
} elseif ($user->getLogoutReason() === $user::LogoutInactivity) {
$this->flashMessage(‘You have been signed out due to inactivity. Please
sign in again.’);
$this->redirect(‘Login:’, [‘backlink’ ⇒
} else {
$this->redirect(‘Login:’, [‘backlink’ ⇒
I believe this was a oversight and the above is how it should be. If not please explain why.
- Infanticide0
- Member | 110
Hi, do you call $this->restoreRequest($this->backlink);
before redirecting after successful re-login?
- caught-in-a-nette
- Member | 19
Yes of course,