Getting ini_set(): Session error suddenly, other pages fine

Member | 6

At the start of each day (that I work on this project) I review the pages and figure out what changes need to be applied. And today was no different. I noted that many new forms were needed – so that's what I concentrated on.

Suddenly (during lunch break) I again reviewed the web pages. I was startled to find the main (first/home) page was instead showing an error, via Tracey.

Error is “ini_set(): Session ini settings cannot be changed after headers have already been sent”.

I cannot be certain what caused the error. Something else must be causing this. I definitely have not used sessions or any ini setting in this project.

My first impression was this is a header issue and probably affects the whole site. However to my amazement, all other pages worked and displayed properly.

Is there a simple fix? I am using a few libraries (from Contributte) but they must be well tested. Since this morning I added about a dozen pages and the project is now quite large.

I hope there's an easy fix for this.

Member | 6

To add:
screenshot –
This happened twice, so far. I manually copied over from a backup and the site looked good. Then again when I visited the site from ma iPad the same error appeared. (Perhaps this has something to do with using another computer. I suspect a session variable was used to save a value then on the other computer it tried to get that value, but the session doesn't exist. Maybe it is stored in the temp directory…)
Other pages show fine. I found that when I commented-out the Contributte-Datagrid control lines it displayed fine. So it seems most likely that library is causing this situation.