n:ifcontent does not work with empty tags

Member | 52

Please see this fiddle:


This behaviour is a problem for me! The background is that I'm using the ProcessWire CMS and that CMS has the capability to directly edit fields on the frontend:


This is great, but that means that the CMS injects some additional markup into the template.

So a simple <h1>My Headline</h1> gets something like <h1><span class='pw-edit-copy'>My Headline</span><span class='pw-edit-orig'>My Headline</span></h1>

That means that n:ifcontent does not work on these tags, which is annoying. I can use n:if instead and make sure that I return the raw value of the field there, but that's also a little annoying.

Could there be something like n:iftext ? I'd love to build such a feature on my own, but unfortunately I didn't understand the docs regarding how to create custom tags :(

Any pointers would be great! Thx in advance!

Member | 112

<span> in <p> is content, I expect this behaviour.
n:iftext would be very useful, probably easy to implement (copy&paste n:ifcontent tag class with some changes)

<p n:ifcontent><span n:ifcontent></span></p>
<p n:ifcontent><span n:tag-if="$var">{$var}</span></p>
Member | 52

Hey @Infanticide0 yeah I agree that markup is content – <svg> for example would also not be text, but markup and so the tag should appear. I just tried to explain my use case, but the headline is a little misleading I guess, sorry.

I'm quite experienced with PHP but it's not easy for me to copy/paste IfContentNode.php – I'd really appreciate a step by step tutorial. The docs unfortunately don't explain it well enough for me :(

Member | 112


I've never done a Latte extension, it will probably need some tuning. Still don't understand it completely.
Hope this helps.


+)<p class="keep" n:ifcontent><a href="#"><u>latte</u></a><b></b></p><br>
-)<p class="hide" n:ifcontent></p><br>
+)<p class="keep" n:iftext><a href="#"><u>latte</u></a><b></b></p><br>
-)<p class="hide" n:iftext><a href="#"><u></u></a><b></b></p><br>
+)<p class="keep" n:iftext><a href="#"><u></u></a><b>nette</b></p><br>


+)<p class="keep"><a href="#"><u>latte</u></a><b></b></p><br>
+)<p class="keep"><a href="#"><u>latte</u></a><b></b></p><br>
+)<p class="keep"><a href="#"><u></u></a><b>nette</b></p><br>
class MyExtension extends \Latte\Extension
    public function getTags(): array
        return [
            "n:iftext" => [IfTextNode::class, 'create']

 * n:iftext
class IfTextNode extends StatementNode
    public AreaNode $content;
	public int $id;
	public ElementNode $htmlElement;

	/** @return \Generator<int, ?array, array{AreaNode, ?Tag}, static> */
	public static function create(Tag $tag, TemplateParser $parser): \Generator
		$node = $tag->node = new static;
		$node->id = $parser->generateId();
		[$node->content] = yield;
		$node->htmlElement = $tag->htmlElement;
		if (!$node->htmlElement->content) {
			throw new CompileException("Unnecessary n:ifcontent on empty element <{$node->htmlElement->name}>", $tag->position);

        return $node;

    /** @return bool TRUE = keep, FALSE = remove */
    private function iterateNode(Node $node): bool {
        if($node instanceof TextNode)
            return trim($node->content) !== "";

        if(!($node instanceof ElementNode))
            return true;

        if($node->content instanceof Node) {
            foreach ($node->content as $key => $value) {
                if($this->iterateNode($value)) {
                    return true;
        return false;

	public function print(PrintContext $context): string
        $saved = $this->htmlElement->content;
        $keep = $this->iterateNode($this->htmlElement);
            $this->htmlElement->content = new AuxiliaryNode(fn() => <<<XX
				try {
				} finally {
					\$ʟ_ift[$this->id] = rtrim(ob_get_flush()) === '';


            return <<<XX
				ob_start(fn() => '');
				try {
				} finally {
					if (\$ʟ_ift[$this->id] ?? null) {
					} else {
						echo ob_get_clean();
        } else {
            return "echo '>nothing<';"; // TODO ""

	public function &getIterator(): \Generator
		yield $this->content;
David Grudl
Nette Core | 8249

I think it is enough to copy the IfContentNode class and replace rtrim(ob_get_flush()) with rtrim(strip_tags(ob_get_flush()))

Member | 52

@DavidGrudl thx but I'm getting this error:

Unexpected attribute n:iftext, did you mean n:ifset? (in ‘…/sections/footer.latte’ on line 118 at column 35)

Any chance to add n:iftext to latte globally?

Member | 112


update your app config .neon file (usually common.neon)

	strictTypes: yes
		- App\MyExtension // register your extension