Use nette framework into bigger project

Member | 2

I watch the nette project for years now and had never the chance, to use the framework in an project. Now I have an bigger private project and wanna use nette.

Now my question, anybody in this forum can tell about it. Use nette framework in an bigger project.


Pavel Kravčík
Member | 1197

Definition of “bigger project” is kinda vague. We used Nette for “big companies” all the time (milions of request for insurance calc, big backend apps for incidents etc). Also we got very good performance and security score in “bank/insurance sector” for pentests and pertests.

Last edited by Pavel Kravčík (2024-02-15 13:48)

Member | 519

@Cacaopulva Yes, you can use Nette on a bigger project (whatever that means). I would, however, prefer learning the framework on a small project and then gradually expanding the scope. (Which goes for all the frameworks, not just Nette.)
You can, also, decide to use just some parts of the framework – DI container, Latte templates and Tracy debugger are probably the most-used standalone components.

Good starting point would be the documentation:

Feel free to ask more questions, but please do try to be more specific than just “how to use Nette in a bigger project”. Mention specific problems that you come across, describing the ways you have already taken in attempt to solve them.

Rick Strafy
Nette Blogger | 81

Hi, Nette is being used on some of the largest projects in Czechia/Slovakia and it's preferred over Laravel or Symfony, but if you see Nette alone, it's rather an exception.

Composer json usualy has a lot of packages, because Nette doesn't have any proper console input or database layer suitable for modern development, so contributte group is doing implementations of another libraries, occasionally you can see Nextras ORM or on older project there is Dibi db layer.

Usual combination is Nette + Symfony [Console, Translations, Events, Stopwatch], Monolog, Doctrine DBAL+ORM.

Nette has pretty good Debugger, Template language, Routing, Presenter and Component model, great ajax/snippet support, dynamic forms and with combination with naja.js, in most cases, there is no need for any JS framework for dynamic web page.

You may run into some problems with nette packages not respecting PSR standards, so in order to use some library that requires CachingInterface, you have to install contributte caching adapter and so on.

The disadvantage for big companies could be the fact, that nette is actively maintained by just one person, and there is no predictable release calendar (there probably is but it is not being respected) and all packages are on different versions and some may be 2.x while another is 4.x, it's understandable for Latte and Tracy, since it's little bit separated from Nette as a whole.

I personally recommend it to use on large projects, from the code point of the view, and I'm using it on a few larger projects and I wouldn't change it.

Last edited by Rick Strafy (2024-02-15 16:32)

Member | 493

I have a feeling that @Cacaopulva is one-time user for creating AI-generated flamewar threads, but I'd like to be wrong..

Pavel Kravčík
Member | 1197

dakur wrote:

I have a feeling that @Cacaopulva is one-time user for creating AI-generated flamewar threads, but I'd like to be wrong..

Answer can help someone else, everything is fine. :) #goodbot

Member | 2

Okay, thanks for the fix and huge answers from the community. No, normal human and not an AI/robot. ;) Sorry for my shitty text. At the moment I'm in rush and determine the best framework for my project. And it will be nette ;)

@PavelKravčík: Thank you for the good the insight.

@nightfish: Thank you for the starter informations.

@RickStrafy: Thank you showing the advantages/disadvantages.