Nette runs completely on PHP 8.1 (and later)

David Grudl
Nette Core | 8249

The latest versions of all Nette packages already take full advantage of all the features of PHP 8

These are specifically the following versions, where the minimum required PHP is 8.1 (somewhere 8.0):

nette/application: 3.2
nette/bootstrap: 3.2
nette/caching: 3.2
nette/component-model: 3.1
nette/database: 3.2
nette/di: 3.2
nette/forms: 3.2
nette/http: 3.3
nette/mail: 4.0
nette/neon: 3.4
nette/php-generator: 4.0
nette/robot-loader: 4.0
nette/routing: 3.1
nette/safe-stream: 3.0
nette/security: 3.2
nette/schema: 1.3
nette/tester: 2.5
nette/utils: 4.0
latte/latte: 3.0
tracy/tracy: 2.9

So the code contains all the new typehints introduced in PHP 8, types for properties, new language features and native functions. I have tried to maintain backward compatibility as much as possible and where adding a type might break something, I have not added it yet.

Furthermore, classes have, with a few exceptions, no longer use the Nette\SmartObject trait, as its enhancements after many years have made their way into PHP itself and are no longer needed.