Need a better example for contributte/forms-bootstrap
- Cupara
- Member | 90
I'm trying to implement contributte/forms-bootstrap so I can style the forms better than what they are. The problem I'm running into is that the guides @Infanticide0 directed me to are incomplete as I learn new frameworks by seeing example usage especially when it comes to using composer. If anyone could please provide me with a better detailed step-by-step guide on implementing contributte/forms-bootstrap I would greatly appreciate it.
- Infanticide0
- Member | 110
You use BootstrapForm just like Nette Forms because
class BootstrapForm extends Form
public function createComponentSignUpForm(): BootstrapForm
$form = $this->formFactory->create(); // returns new BootstrapForm instance with some predefined configuration (V5, ajax, renderMode)
$form->addText("name", "name")
->setRequired("enter your name");
$form->addEmail("email", "E-mail")
->setRequired("enter email");
$passwordInput = $form->addPassword("password", "Password")
->setRequired("enter password");
$form->addPassword("password2", "password")
->setRequired("enter password")
->addRule(Nette\Forms\Form::EQUAL, "Passwords must be the same", $passwordInput);
$form->addSubmit("signup", "Sign up")
->setHtmlAttribute("class", "btn btn-primary");
$form->onSuccess[] = [$this, "onSignUp"];
return $form;
Last edited by Infanticide0 (2023-12-28 12:21)
- Infanticide0
- Member | 110
getParameter is Presenter method, you should pass that value to your model.
- Cupara
- Member | 90
@Infanticide0 So I have a problem, I can't figure out why
section of code doesn't seem
to work.
public function renderShow(): void
$this->template->contact = $this->facade
$this->template->addFilter('formPair', function ($control) {
$renderer = $control->form->renderer;
return $renderer->renderPair($control);
And in my template is this:
{block content}
<div class="p-1">
This is the error
LogicException: Filter 'formPair' is not defined.
- Infanticide0
- Member | 110
How do you use this?
$this->template->contact = $this->facade->createComponentContactForm();
Create component in presenter (it's lazy loaded when needed), your facade
should be rather ContactFormControlFactory creating new instance of
You can render forms in many ways
{control controlname}
{form formcontrolname}...{/form}
<form n:name="controlname">
<label n:name="inputname"/>
<input n:name="inputname">
{input inputname}
Last edited by Infanticide0 (2023-12-29 04:47)