spaceless is not spaceless :D

Member | 52

I've searched google and the only related topic was this:…-tag-content

Today I wanted to add a linked telephone number in my template file and I thought “I'm sure latte has a filter for that”.

Seems it does not?!

This is what I tried:

{var $phone = "+43 1 123 45 67"}
<a href="tel:{$phone|spaceless}">{$phone}</a>

// result
<a href="tel:+43 1 123 45 67">+43 1 123 45 67</a>

According to…in-the-value “tel” URIs MUST NOT use spaces in visual separators…

I see that “spaceless” and “trim” etc. only remove spaced around content, but I wonder if there is any elegant solution to really remove all spaced in a string?


PS: IMHO spaceless and strip should behave differently. spaceless should remove all spaces whereas strip should behave like it already does. I see that this would mean a breaking change though. But I think a “removeallspaces” filter would be good to have!

Last edited by bernhard (2023-01-12 15:15)

Member | 522

@bernhard According to the documentation it does not remove spaces, merely replaces consecutive whitespace with a single character.

For your usecase I usually use {$phone|replace:' ', ''}. Beware it only works when the whitespace is a space character.

David Grudl
Nette Core | 8246

The name is probably not ideal, it should just eliminate unnecessary spaces (is meant as “less spaces”).

Member | 52

Yep, agree :) Of course once I read the details in the docs it was obvious, but if you only look at the overview it is not:

If you find time maybe it would be nice to adjust the description on that page ( so that it says “unnecessary spaces” as you suggested. On this page it already does:

Thx for the replace solution @nightfish :)

David Grudl
Nette Core | 8246

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