Tracy does not get var defined, but on generated page is defined. how can tracy get this var?

Member | 139

I am adapting LiveTranslator to nette 3.1 but I have a tracy error showing me in the console the error

indicating a reference error
Uncaught ReferenceError: translationPanel is not defined

here a screenshot

on the lines
538 and 544 of the evalScripts function

function evalScripts(elem) {
	elem.querySelectorAll('script').forEach((script) => { // <--------- line 538
		if ((!script.hasAttribute('type') |/ script.type === 'text/javascript' |/ script.type === 'application/javascript') && !script.tracyEvaluated) {
			let document = script.ownerDocument;
			let dolly = document.createElement('script');
			dolly.textContent = script.textContent;
			dolly.setAttribute('nonce', nonce);
			(document.body |/ document.documentElement).appendChild(dolly); // <-------- line 544
			script.tracyEvaluated = true;

and 403 of the init function

static init(content) { = new bar;
		Debug.panel = {};
		Debug.layer = document.createElement('tracy-div');
		Debug.layer.setAttribute('id', 'tracy-debug');
		Debug.layer.innerHTML = content;
		(document.body |/ document.documentElement).appendChild(Debug.layer);
		evalScripts(Debug.layer);    // <-------------------------------------- line 403 = 'block';;

		Debug.layer.querySelectorAll('.tracy-panel').forEach((panel) => {
			Debug.panels[ ] = new Panel( );
			Debug.panels[ ].restorePosition();



but I see in the source of the generated page that the variable is defined (down part of generated code),

]);\n\treturn temp;\n}\n\n\nvar translationPanel = {\n\tstrings: {\"text to translate\":false},\n\tvariants: 1,\n\n\tupdatedStrings:

wich is generated by

	 * Returns the code for the panel.
	 * @return string
	public function getPanel()
		$latte = $this->createTemplate();
		$file = $this->translator->isCurrentLangDefault() ? '/panel.inactive.phtml' : '/panel.phtml';
		$parameters = array();
		$parameters['panel'] = $this;
		$parameters['translator'] = $this->translator;
		$parameters['lang'] = $this->translator->getCurrentLang();
		if ($this->translator->getPresenterLanguageParam()){
			$parameters['availableLangs'] = $this->translator->getAvailableLanguages();
		else {
			$parameters['availableLangs'] = NULL;
		return $latte->renderToString(__DIR__ . $file, $parameters);

	 * Returns the code for the panel tab.
	 * @return string
	public function getTab()
		//$template = new Nette\Templating\FileTemplate(__DIR__ . '/tab.phtml');
		$template = new Latte\Loaders\FileLoader(__DIR__);
		return $template->getContent('tab.phtml');
		//return $template->__toString();

panel.phtml code and tab.phtml code
after several modifications everything seems to be going well (screenshot), only the definition of this variable (translationPanel) towards tracy is missing.

how can I pass this variable to tracy or how can tracy get this var?


Last edited by alnux (2022-12-19 18:43)