Add function to render a latte file

Member | 11

I am trying to add a function to latte that includes a latte file , something like:

$this->template->addFunction(‘hello’, function ($hellotext) {
return “{include ‘test.latte’, hello: $hellotext}”;

this code will just render the text as is instead of including the file. Is there a way get this code to actually include the file and render it?

Member | 313

Templates are compiled before they are executed so this is not possible I think. What are you trying to achieve? Why dont you include file directly instead of calling funxtion? Maybe there is another way how to do it.

Member | 523

@mrcosgrove Well, I suppose you could try to call Latte this way:

$this->template->addFunction('hello', function ($hellotext) {
    $latte = new Latte\Engine; // or use latteFactory

    return $latte->renderToString('test.latte', ['hello' => $hellotext]);

You can also read templates from strings – see docs

Last edited by nightfish (2022-12-17 20:28)

Member | 313

@nightfish But this would lost caller context (variables, filters, …) entirely. So it will not work exactly as include. Hard to tell without more info if that is a problem.