orisai/nette-http – http authenticator and more
- Marek Bartoš
- Nette Blogger | 1275
Just released new Orisai library, orisai/nette-http.
It currently has two features – testing implementation of Nette\Http\IResponse for unit tests and HttpAuthenticator.
HttpAuthenticator makes app unavailable without a password and so is ideal for hiding a dev version of an app available over the internet. Minimal configuration may look like this:
Paths can be excluded, e.g. for an already password-protected API, so you don't have to add another form of authentication
If you use Tracy and have it set to debug mode, it is auto-disabled for non-authenticated users, so you don't cause yourself a security issue.
Check the docs, this was just a brief overview
Oh, and it contains semi-hidden joke :)
- Marek Bartoš
- Nette Blogger | 1275
Just added a Tracy panel with http request and response for a quick view