Is it possible to get rid of |noescape?

Member | 52

Hey everybody! I've created a module that adds latte support to the ProcessWire CMS (…)

The module supports adding ALFRED (a lovely frontend editor) to the markup of the page by simply calling the alfred function:

<div {alfred($page, "field1, field2")|noescape}><h1>{$page->field1}</h1><p>{$page->field2}</p></div>

No I wonder if it would somehow be possible to get rid of the |noescape filter when injecting markup via the alfred() function? The return of alfred is something like this:

<div alfred="{some json here}">

So I thought there could maybe be a way to instead of returning alfred=… my function could return somemthing like {noescape}alfred=…{/noescape} which would simplify alfred calls in my template files to this:

<div {alfred($page, "field1, field2")}><h1>{$page->field1}</h1><p>{$page->field2}</p></div>

I guess this is not possible for security reasons? But I wanted to ask nonetheless. The markup of alfred does always come from a trusted source at least. Maybe one of the gurus has an idea or maybe I'm missing something and it's already possible?

Marek Bartoš
Nette Blogger | 1296

Instance of Latte\Runtime\Html is not escaped

Last edited by Marek Bartoš (2022-08-07 12:11)

Member | 52

Hi guys, thank you for your help! Unfortunately I can't get it working:

This is what I get when using |noescape (that works):

This is what I get when using an Latte\Html object:

Where it looks like it should be an HTML object?!

PS: Congrats to your 7777 post :)

Last edited by bernhard (2022-08-08 10:04)

David Grudl
Nette Core | 8249

Isn't it possible that the object is converted to a string somewhere? For example, doesn't the method have the return type string?

Member | 52

Good idea, but unfortunately no :(

It returns the HTML object after rendering the latte file it will show up as escaped string…

Member | 52

I've just tried to see what {dump alfred($page)} returns:

David Grudl
Nette Core | 8249

I understand now, because Latte\Runtime\Html doesn't work inside the HTML tag (because HTML code can't be written there). At the moment the only solution is the filter |noescape.

Member | 52

Thx @DavidGrudl and sorry for the delay I did not get notified..

You are right, that's the reason – I just realised that myself :) Is there any other workaround you can think of? Maybe returning a Latte\HtmlStringable ? It would really improve the API and UX of my module as I'm using alfred() calls quite often in my markup…

<div {alfred($page)}> would just be a lot nicer than <div {alfred($page)|noescape}>

Thx for your thoughts!

David Grudl
Nette Core | 8249

Not at the moment. Could you create an issue on GitHub?

Member | 52

Ok thx I'll do so!

Another related question: Is there any my alfred() function can know whether it was called from inside a HTML tag or outside?

  <div class="foo" {alfred($page)|noescape}>
    some markup

So can the first alfred() call return a different output than the second call? Of course I could introduce other arguments or settings, but that would be nothing better than adding |noescape

Member | 52

For reference here is the issue:…e/issues/313