Question about package versions in composer

Backer | 79

I do not have much advanced experience with composer.

I choose to install (require) nette\caching ver. 2.5.9 because it only requires PHP 5.6 (old server, long story).

But when I install nette\caching it also installs nette\finder ver. 2.5.3, which requires PHP 7.1.

What am I missing?

Member | 485

@materix Probably your Composer does not know that you are targeting PHP 5.6. Are you running Composer on PHP 5.6 or on a newer version?

If the latter is the case, you can force Composer to consider only packages and their versions compatible with PHP 5.6 by using "platform": {"php": "5.6"} in your composer.json. See docs for more information.

Backer | 79

Hi Jiří.

Thank you, that fixed it – much appreciated!

Marek Bartoš
Nette Blogger | 1221

“platform”: {“php”: “5.6”}

Less problematic is to use 5.6.20. Libs sometime require bugfix php version to prevent the bug and 5.6 won't install because it means 5.6.0