respond with

Member | 8

To hide mail addresses from scanning bots, I'd like to answer a specific http request with a redirection to an mailto: Location which lets the mail client pop up. But avoids the "mailto:"within the source-code of the page.

Usually this is simply done in a separate file e.g. mailto.php:
After compile the mail address,
using header('Location:'); for redirection
and then exit(1) the script to avoid further output. Invalid request will be answered by 404

how to implement a similar behavior within a presenter action?
And is a presenter the correct approach?

Thank you in advance!

Marek Bartoš
Nette Blogger | 1221

In UI\Presenter descendant:
$this->redirectUrl('') (shortcut for $this->sendResponse(new RedirectResponse(/* ... */))

In IPresenter::run() implementation:
return new \Nette\Application\Responses\RedirectResponse('');

Both are equal and work as a replacement for header() and exit()

Presenter is indeed the right place for page-specific http request handling, you are going the right way :)

Last edited by Marek Bartoš (2022-01-24 01:56)

Member | 8

Thank you very much! @MarekBartoš
Nette is awesome!