How to get the generated sql query with Nette\Database\Explorer
- gregor_nette
- Member | 13
Background: I know the domain logic of the application and therefore the raw
queries needed.
$search_arr = ['nllee', 'sseia']
and the result should look like this
FROM artikel
(`artnr` = 'nllee') OR
(`benennung` LIKE '%nllee%') OR
(`herstartnr` LIKE '%nllee%') OR
(`longwg` LIKE '%nllee%') OR
(`longwg2` LIKE 'nllee%') OR
(`ean` LIKE 'nllee%')
) AND (
(`artnr` = 'sseia') OR
(`benennung` LIKE '%sseia%') OR
(`herstartnr` LIKE '%sseia%') OR
(`longwg` LIKE '%sseia%') OR
(`longwg2` LIKE 'sseia%') OR
(`ean` LIKE 'sseia%')
How do I get this done with Nette\Database\Explorer ?
Is there the possibility to get the generated queries????
I do not want to use raw sql, because we might go from mysql to postgres in the future and I would like to keep the queries hidden in the orm. The migration is a endless threat by the management.
I do already know, how to get there with dibi, but I would like to learn, how to get there with Nette\Database\Explorer
With dibi it is like this:
$qarr = [];
foreach ($search_arr as $search_str) {
// $search_str = addslashes($search_str);
$qarr[] = [
'%or', [
'artnr' => $search_str,
'benennung%~like~' => $search_str,
'herstartnr%~like~' => $search_str,
'longwg%~like~' => $search_str,
'longwg2%like~' => $search_str,
'ean%like~' => $search_str
$_artdaten = $this->database->query('SELECT artnr FROM artikel WHERE %and ', $qarr)->fetchAssoc('artnr');
Thanks a lot
- Kamil Valenta
- Member | 822
$selection = $database->table('artikel');
foreach ($search_arr as $search_str) {
$selection->where('artnr = ? OR benennung LIKE ? OR herstartnr LIKE ?', $search_str, $search_str, $search_str);
- gregor_nette
- Member | 13
Thanks, that helped.
and to answer my own question how to get the generated query:
retrieves the query
Thanks a lot like