How to use multiple authentications with cookie storage?
- netteman
- Member | 126
The setNamespace() method for multiple authentications…thentication#…
is missing in the cookie storage…Storage.html
Is this a bug or an intention?
(it is in the session storage…Storage.html)
- ijurij
- Member | 2
A very simple bike.
You can only rely on the paths in the URL.
Please note that php may receive url after processing by another service on the
server (apache, nginx) eg.
For example in url words “backend” and “frontend” are used.
In Bootstrap.php after other $configurator->addConfig(xxx):
if (validation($url) && (bool) \mb_stristr($url, 'backend')) {
} else {
In auth_backend.neon:
cookieName: backendId
TABLE: 'backend_user'
Constant for use in model (UserFacade eg) if you need different tables for
users and clients.
This way you don't have to write your own implementation of class User, but use
Nette\Security\User class as is.
Last edited by ijurij (2024-11-16 20:14)