Kdyby/Console doesnt catch application error. Why?
- mcmatak
- Member | 504
When i run CLI
php web/index.php
and somewhere is error, like facebooksdk needs sessions etc., so it ends without any error, not even any error is logged
can somebody explain me why in configuration is these lines?
$service->catchExceptions = true;
$service->errorPresenter = 'Nette:Error';
$service->onError = $this->getService('events.manager')->createEvent(['Nette\Application\Application', 'onError'], $service->onError);
$self = $this; $service->onError[] = function ($app, $e) use ($self) {
$app->errorPresenter = false;
$app->onShutdown[] = function () { exit(254); };
onError[] function cause that the error is not logged, why nette configuration generate this?
how to avoid it?
- David Matějka
- Moderator | 6445
Hi, it is better to disable Nette\Application support in kdyby/console using
application: false
and create separate entrypoint for the console in e.g.
, which may look like this:
<?php declare(strict_types = 1);
if (PHP_SAPI !== 'cli') {
require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
$container = App\Bootstrap::boot()->createContainer();
/** @var \Symfony\Component\Console\Application $application */
$application = $container->getService("console.application");