How to download remote file

Backer | 79

Hello :-)

I am new to Nette.

Which Nette library do I use for downloading a remote file (image), and save it to disk?


Member | 493

@materix Hi, if you mean downloading an image from remote server, just use standard PHP functions – copy(), file_get_contents() etc. – see StackOverflow for examples. If this is not sufficient for you (e.g. allow_url_fopen is off in your php.ini), you can take advantage of more advanced cURL (see also there).

Nette libraries exist to support primary aim of the framework – helping to organize request->response flow using MVC architecture (easily said: to help you handle requests easily and safely). As downloading files from remote destinations are not needed for this, Nette does not have any library which would help with it. But there are others, e.g. Guzzle, which do, even though they can be too complex for your simple problem – just start with the simplest one (native PHP functions) and go for bigger when it is not enough. 😉

Last edited by dakur (2021-03-24 11:27)

Backer | 79

Thanks for a good reply!