Redirecting to a presenter with module from Nette\Application\UI\Control
- Nacioszeczek
- Member | 3
Hi, I'm trying to redirect the user from a class that extends
however I wouldn't put the redirect I get error that either the component name
is invalid or that it doesn't exist.
Component name must be non-empty alphanumeric string, '' given.
Component with name 'Admin' does not exist.
function code is:
public function handleFormSelect(Form $form, $data): void
bdump($this->mapping->getDestination()); // correct
bdump($this->mapping->getParameterName()); // correct
// |-- :Admin:Server:viewEdit ----| |-- server_id --------------------|
$this->redirect($this->mapping->getDestination(), [$this->mapping->getParameterName() => $data['id']]);
Any help would be greatly appreciated ^^
- Marek Bartoš
- Nette Blogger | 1280
Redirects in components work differently than redirects in presenters, they
are designed purely for scope of component. You can use
Ideally passed as a callable from constructor, so every presenter must set the
redirect and component is independent of in which presenter is used
The difference is described here:…eating-links#…
Last edited by Mabar (2021-02-18 14:30)