nette/forms 3.1.0 BC Break
- Pavel Janda
- Member | 977…s/tag/v3.1.0
Could pls anyone tell me why is Nette releasing BC Breaks in minor versions?? It potentially causes dependent packages to fail. Possibly related bugs can be found here:
Could we pls release a 3.1.1 with fixing this BC Break and leaving the BC break for 4.0.0?
Thanks for the info. I will gladly help with any related task.
Last edited by Pavel Janda (2021-01-26 18:32)
- David Grudl
- Nette Core | 8246
It is intended to reveal when a library (perhaps by mistake) is working with invalid data. At the same time, it's important for class mapping and typed properties.
- Pavel Janda
- Member | 977
I understand that it was maybe used in an unintended way. But still, it was a public interface and minor versions of a package should not introduce BC breaks in my opinion.
Could you please point me to a particular section in nette documentation or even some little piece of code where I can find a guidance how to fix recent datagrid bugs?
Thanks a lot 👍