Broken autowiring with 3.1?

Member | 2

Hi and a happay new year! :-)

After upgrading to 3.1 with composer, the formerly running application breaks at start with the errors below:


Service 'security.user' (type of Nette\Security\User): Multiple services of type Nette\Security\Authenticator found: 01, 018 (needed by $authenticator in __construct())

After some investigation, also on the updated sandbox application, which mine is baed on, there seem to be a change in the interfaces and components, e.g. interface Authenticator instead of IAuthenticator or SimpleIdentity instead of Identity. I changed those but the error still remains.

My common.neon didn't change and worked with 3.0 as expected. Don't know there to search or what to change to make it work again.
Any tip is highly appreciated :-)


David Grudl
Nette Core | 8229

Nette\Security\Authenticator and IAuthenticator are aliases, there will be no problem with that. See what those services 01 and 018 are. This can be found out, for example, in the tooltip in the container panel:

Member | 2

Thanks for your answer.
Though it seems there is maybe another problem, because the container couldn't be written:

/temp/cache/nette.configurator/Container_e201f7d9ff.php.meta): Failed to open stream

There's a lock file with that id, but not the php.meta…