Confused about the best way to include latte files within a foreach loop

Member | 7

Hello people I am hoping that you can help me with the best approach to this simple problem.

I have a latte file that loops multiple items (mainpage.latte) and a latte file that contains one item (singlepage.latte). I would like both of those files to include the same child latte file (section.latte) that will contain a simple styled section that I can change an update as needed without having to mess about with the parent latte files

Here is what I have so far


// $items
{foreach $items as $item}
	{include '../section.latte'}


// Single $item
{include '../section.latte'}



Now that doesn't work because the foreach loop doesn't work within the mainpage.latte file. It works if I put the loop in the section.latte file but that then throws off things for singlepage.latte

Can anybody tell me what i am doing wrong and possibly provide a solution? I wish to keep it as simple as possible because i will be expanding on it

David Grudl
Nette Core | 8247

I think that you should pass parameter $item to included template

{include '../section.latte', item: $item}
Member | 7

Thanks David, that worked