How to obtain current presenter in IBarPanel implementation

Member | 493

Hi, I need to make a decision about whether render tab/panel in Tracy bar or not based on what is the current presenter. But I do not know how to obtain current presenter in there.

I've tried to let DI inject IPresenter, PresenterFactory and Application – none of them worked, loading failed with 0 parameters given, 1 expected. Maybe I have to make an extension to be able to pass something there? Seems like to me when I looked into Nette's RoutingPanel. But what actually should I need? Application? IPresenter implementation? I don't get it.

Can you please point me to the right way how to do it? Thank you.

final class CampaignLinksPanel implements IBarPanel

	public function __construct(???)

	public function getTab(): string
		if ( ! ($this->presenter instanceof SomeClass)) {
			return '';

		return '.......';

	public function getPanel(): string

		if ( ! ($this->presenter instanceof SomeClass)) {
			return '';

		return '.......';

Member | 493

Ok, @jiripudil showed me that this is enough:

        - MyPanel(@Nette\Application\Application)

I've tried MyPanel(@nette.application) before but that did not work.

David Grudl
Nette Core | 8239

Because it is @application.application

Member | 493

David Grudl wrote:

Because it is @application.application

Huh. That's strange as namespace is Nette\Application and package name is nette/application. 🤔

Marek Bartoš
Nette Blogger | 1281

That's strange as namespace is Nette\Application and package name is nette/application

Extension is registered with name application and every service is prefixed by name of extension ($this->prefix('application')'application.aplication'). It prevents collisions and potentially allows register same extension multiple times.…igurator.php#L32

Last edited by Mabar (2020-08-28 15:54)

David Grudl
Nette Core | 8239
Member | 493

Thanks for explanation, even it still seems confusing to me. 🙂 Will try to include DI panel into my workflow, that might help.