Latte Cache implementation (redis, memcached or apc)

Member | 4


I'm trying to find a way to replace latte cache system (on filesystem) by another implementation (like redis, memcached or apc)

Here is my interface

interface CacheServiceInterface
     * Clear all cached values
     * @return void
    public function clearAll();

     * Get a value
     * @param  string|array|int $key
     * @return void
    public function get($key);

     * Test if a key exist
     * @param  string|array|int $key
     * @return bool
    public function hasKey($key): bool;

     * Remove a key
     * @param string|array|int $key
    public function remove($key);

     * Set a value
     * @param string|array|int $key
     * @param mixed            $value
    public function set($key, $values);

I find a way to replace Loaders\FileLoader by my own implementation of Latte\Loader. But i think filesystem cache is hard coded in Latte\Engine in many privates methods.

Does somebody has a solution, that doesn't require to rewrite Latte\Engine ?

Thanks !

I'm using latte in standalone.

Last edited by Nassim (2020-07-18 16:47)

Nette Core | 1253

Hi @Nassim. I am having exactly the same use-case. I want to store latte compiled templates in other storage. Great kick of possible interface.

Member | 4

Hi @Felix.
So maybe it's not possible for now.
I'll try to rewrite Latte\Engine in order to be able to add my cache interface.
I'll let you know !

David Grudl
Nette Core | 8247

I don't want to add support for other cache storages to Latte, because nothing else is as fast as file storage + opcode cache.

Member | 4

Ok @DavidGrudl!

I'm not really sure that file storage is the fastest choice, comparatively to ram storage. To be benchmarked :)
In addition how can you prevent your template directory 's size to become huge ?
Redis provide for example LRU policy (List recently used) witch is very powerful for this kind of usage.

For now, i find a way to implement caching (Russian doll caching) in templates using macro, but the templates files are still stored on filesystem.
I'll post soon my implementations && macro here for anyone who wants.

Nette Blogger | 1032

Latte templates are compiled into PHP code and stored as PHP files. So while the filesystem is definitely not the fastest cache storage on its own, it's opcache that makes the difference: with opcache, the template's PHP code is further precompiled into bytecode (thus it doesn't have to be interpreted every time it is executed), which is then stored in shared memory.

I'm looking forward to your benchmarks though, maybe you'll find something faster :)

Member | 4

I think that storing templates in cache system (Redis, memcached…) instead of filesystem, then compile them into bytecode in opcache, could improve performances.
Maybe it's useless, but i'll try :)