How many routerFactorys are possible
- Bill Lions
- Member | 47
In my RouterFactory I have:
namespace App\Router;
use Nette;
use Nette\Application\Routers\RouteList;
final class RouterFactory
use Nette\StaticClass;
public static function createRouter(): RouteList
$router = new RouteList;
$router->addRoute('/', 'Default:default');
$router->addRoute('[<module>[/<presenter>[/<action>[/<id>]]]]', 'Default:Default:default');
return $router;
In another directory for my ServicesModule I have.
namespace App\Router;
use Nette;
use Nette\Application\Routers\RouteList;
final class servicesRouterFactory
use Nette\StaticClass;
public static function createRouter(): RouteList
$router = new RouteList;
$router->addRoute('/services', 'Services:Services:default');
$router->addRoute('/services/consulting', 'Services:Default:consulting');
$router->addRoute('/services/outsourcing', 'Services:Default:outsourcing');
$router->addRoute('/services/teams', 'Services:Default:teams');
return $router;
Then in my PorfolioModule I have:
namespace App\Router;
use Nette;
use Nette\Application\Routers\RouteList;
final class portfolioRouterFactory
use Nette\StaticClass;
public static function createRouter(): RouteList
$router = new RouteList;
$router->addRoute('/portfolio', 'Portfolio:Portfolio:default');
return $router;
Accessing the root directory, or any of the services routes is not an
However, the portfolio router seems never to be ‘picked up’, resulting in
an error:
Nette\Application\BadRequestException #404
No route for HTTP request
Each of the routers is called from config file, and the router files are ‘seen’, but when I look in Tracy, the routes are listed as:
/services presenter = Services:Services
action = default/services/consulting presenter = Services:Default
action = consulting/services/outsourcing presenter = Services:Default
action = outsourcing/services/teams presenter = Services:Default
action = teams/ presenter = Default:Default
action = default
Why is the portfolio router not being added to the routes?
- Bill Lions
- Member | 47
chemix wrote:
@BillLions and how look like your confiuguration file ? config.neon with router registration ?
Ahh, good call.
The default router is not called, and is commented out in the config
# router: App\RouterFactory::createRouter
the sericesRouterFactory is called from the ServicesModule/config/common.neon file:
defaultStatus: 2services:
router: App\Router\servicesRouterFactory::createRouter
the portfolio router is call from PortfolioModule/config/common.neon file:
router: App\Router\portfolioRouterFactory::createRouter
- nightfish
- Member | 522
Bill Lions wrote:
the portfolio router is call from PortfolioModule/config/common.neon file:services:
router: App\Router\portfolioRouterFactory::createRouter
How is the file PortfolioModule/config/common.neon
loaded? Is it
included into the main app/config/config.neon or loaded by an extension?
Last edited by nightfish (2020-07-17 10:08)
- Bill Lions
- Member | 47
nightfish wrote:
Bill Lions wrote:
the portfolio router is call from PortfolioModule/config/common.neon file:services:
router: App\Router\portfolioRouterFactory::createRouterHow is the file
loaded? Is it included into the main app/config/config.neon or loaded by an extension?
The PortfolioModule/config/common.neon is loaded from the Bootstrap.php using Finder, which locates all common.neon files, and loads them.
foreach (Finder::findFiles('common.neon')->from(__DIR__) as $file) {
$path = $file->getRealPath(); // $file is an instance of SplFileInfo
$configurator->addConfig( $path );