Componette Redesign – new coat for our beloved community project
- Felix
- Nette Core | 1245
Hi guys!
I didn't have so much time for componette last months/year. It's fully autonomous system and it just works. But! I ask my friend @danekkalivoda ( for help and redesign componette. He did excellent job, I think. He's the one that introduced me TailwindCSS (, great utility-first CSS framework.
I am also glad to bring more dev folks to componette team. For example @teekey99 (@rozsival). He and his friends promised me to work on componette portal.
Let's take a look at design.
Landing page
Detail page
- Introduce @rozsival to componette codebase
- Get rid of admin module.
- Get rid off gulp.
- Setup tailwind (
- Setup alpine.js (
- Apply new design on homepage.
- Apply new design on package list (vendor/tag).
- Apply new design on package detail.
- Get rid of unused stuff.
- (…)
Track up-to-date roadmap in Github issue.
You wanna help and don't know where to start? Reach me @felix here or on Slack. We'll find you suitable job.
Feedback is more then welcome. Please, be constructive.