Variable multiplier inputs based on another select

Robin Martinez
Member | 89

Hello, I am using contributte/forms-multiplier and have following question:

Let's say I have a form select. When I select item A, I'd like multiplier to have single input, let's say:

		$multiplier = $c->addMultiplier('values', function (\Nette\Forms\Container $container, \Nette\Forms\Form $form) {
			$container->addText('value_a', 'hovadina A');
		}, 0, 20);

but when I select item B in form select, I'd like multiplier to show me two inputs, let's say:

		$multiplier = $c->addMultiplier('values', function (\Nette\Forms\Container $container, \Nette\Forms\Form $form) {
			$container->addText('value_a', 'hovadina A');
			$container->addText('value_b', 'hovadina B');
		}, 0, 20);

Is this somehow possible? Or is there another (better) solution to achieve something simiar?

Thank you!

Member | 658

But I don't know if it works with multiplier

Robin Martinez
Member | 89

Yeah, I actually use that component as well, but as you mentioned, I also don't think it will work… :/

Robin Martinez
Member | 89

Okay, the solution for me is to show both fields and make the second ‘requireable’ as necessary via addRule()