How to get details of logged in user with Identity


I understand that the Identity is returned from my class MyAuthenticator which implements NS\IAuthenticator.

I can get the user id of the logged in user with $this->getUser()->getId() however,
I cannot get the username of the logged in user with $this->getUser()->getIdentity()->username.

Is there something in the authenticator which needs to be loaded to populate the identity?

My Authenticator is shown here:


namespace App\Model\SiteAuthenticator;

use \Nette\Security\IIdentity;
use \Nette\Security\Passwords;
use \Nette\Security\IAuthenticator;

class SiteAuthenticator implements IAuthenticator
        public function __construct(\Nette\Database\Context $database, \Nette\Security\Passwords $passwords)
                $this->database = $database;
                $this->passwords = $passwords;

        public function authenticate(array $credentials): \Nette\Security\IIdentity
                [$username, $password] = $credentials;

                $row = $this->database->table('users')
                        ->where('username', $username)->fetch();

                if (!$row) {
                        throw new \Nette\Security\AuthenticationException('User not found.');

                if (!$this->passwords->verify($password, $row->password)) {
                        throw new \Nette\Security\AuthenticationException('Invalid password.');

                return new \Nette\Security\Identity($row->id, ['username' => $row->username]);
Member | 37

Second parameter in \Nette\Security\Identity constructor is roles, not data, change it like this

return new \Nette\Security\Identity($row->id, null, ['username' => $row->username]);

n3t wrote:

Second parameter in \Nette\Security\Identity constructor is roles, not data, change it like this

return new \Nette\Security\Identity($row->id, null, ['username' => $row->username]);

Still does not give me the username.
Am I doing something (many somethings) wrong in the presenter?
The ID works fine.

        public function renderDefault()
                $this->template->title = "User Admin";
                $this->template->username = $this->getUser()->getIdentity()->username;
                $this->template->id = $this->getUser()->getId();

dump of getIdentity()

id private => 1
roles private =>
    username => "admin" (5)
data private =>
    nickname => null
    username => null

Last edited by (2019-12-10 13:43)

Member | 504

have you tried to re-login, because identity is saved in sessions…


MajklNajt wrote:

have you tried to re-login, because identity is saved in sessions…

Ahh, that got it. Thanks.