How to get routing information from a relative url?
- netteman
- Member | 126
Hi all :)
let's say I have a relative URL like this /admin/article/detail/1
Can I somehow get information like this from the url?
'module' => 'Admin',
'presenter' => 'Article',
'action' => 'detail',
'id' => 1
I guess it's something like “reverse routing”
Thanks ;-)
Last edited by netteman (2019-11-22 15:36)
- netteman
- Member | 126
I figured this out:
/** @var \Nette\Http\Request @inject */
public $httpRequest;
$router = \App\RouterFactory::createRouter();
$urlScript = new \Nette\Http\UrlScript('/admin/article/detail/1');
$request = new \Nette\Http\Request($urlScript);
Is there another way how to get to the data returned by $router->match($request); ?
Thank you :)