How to create catch-all module route
- Member | 81
My module directories look like this:
app +
- BlogModule +
- presenters
- templates
- DefaultModule +
- presenters
- templates
- ContactModule +
- presenters
- templates
I would like to create a catch-all route, where a url, such as would load the BlogModule and would load the ContactModule, and the default, if no module is specified, or the url is not found, defaults to the DefaultModule.
I have tried using this:
final class RouterFactory
use Nette\StaticClass;
public static function createRouter(): RouteList
$router = new RouteList;
/// $router->addRoute('<presenter>/<action>[/<id>]', 'Homepage:default');
$router->addRoute('/blog', 'Blog:Default:default');
$router->addRoute('/contact', 'Contact:Default:default');
$router->addRoute('[<module>[/<presenter>[/<action>[/<id>]]]]', 'Default:Default:default');
return $router;
The above routes work, however, the last route forwards the url to
Is there a way to have routes dynamically loaded, so a route is not required for
all possible variations?
Is something needed in .htaccess which currently looks like this:
Require all denied
- David Grudl
- Nette Core | 8244
This is a little bit tricky, but I think this should work:
$router->addRoute('[<module>[/<presenter>[/<action>[/<id>]]]]', 'Default:default');
- Member | 81
Thanks David.
This works for /blog and for /contact, however, the default (eg: gives
this error:
Cannot load presenter 'Default', class 'App\Presenters\DefaultPresenter' was not found.
However, does load the default presenter.
So, this seems to do what I need
final class RouterFactory
use Nette\StaticClass;
public static function createRouter(): RouteList
$router = new RouteList;
$router->addRoute('/', 'Default:Default:default');
$router->addRoute('[<module>[/<presenter>[/<action>[/<id>]]]]', 'Default:default');
return $router;
But then, if a non-existent value is given, it gives a 404, rather than return to the default.. but I think this is another question, so will start another thread.
Last edited by (2019-11-14 01:47)