Can I access pages for logged users with curl?
- netteman
- Member | 126
is it OK to access pages for logged users on a website powered by Nette (my website) from another Nette web app (running on my laptop) using curl
is the target Nette web app going to kind of “fight back”? The docs say
there is some protection against session attacks…y-protection#…
The curl method would look something like this:
public function openPageForLoggedUsers(string $url, string $phpses){
/* here's a selection of the curl commands */
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIE, 'PHPSESSID='.$phpses);
$curl_exec = curl_exec($ch);
/*parse some information from the curl_exec and return them*/
Thanks :)
Last edited by netteman (2019-08-05 17:28)
- Kamil Valenta
- Member | 820
I think that's a not good idea. Try to use some kind of API and get a data in JSON or XML.
Last edited by kamil_v (2019-08-05 19:59)
- netteman
- Member | 126
I found out that:
- You can use curl to access pages for logged users without any problems
- file_get_contents() can be used to access pages for logged users as well and parsing the response codes and redirects from $http_response_header is easier than from the curl return value :)
Last edited by netteman (2019-08-08 18:26)