form – dynamically add input fields with dynamic names

Member | 10


need some thing like this:

foreach($rows as $rowId ⇒ $row) {

the problem is with Latte, I dont know how to loop through
these dynamically generated
form fields

in the doc i see this:
{foreach $form[gender]->items as $key ⇒ $label}
<label n:name=“gender:$key”><input n:name=“gender:$key”> {$label}</label>

any idea? Appiriated!

how to put array_keys($rows) in form to Latte as array and there to loop through this array?

Last edited by winman1 (2019-07-03 16:31)

Kamil Valenta
Member | 811

In FormFactory:

foreach($rows as $rowId => $row) {

In Latte:

{foreach $rows as $rowId => $row}
Member | 10

thx Kamil,

I like your solution :) than $form->addContainer(‘sub1’)…

but how to pass $rows from FormFactory to latte?
latte does not see $rows in {foreach $rows as $rowId ⇒ $row}

thank you!

Kamil Valenta
Member | 811

$form->addContainer(…) has a different output.

You can put $row into template in render method of presenter.

Member | 101

Here is how you can loop through dynamically created form fields. You don't need $rows in your template.

<form n:name="form">
    {foreach $form->components['dynamic']->components as $component}
        <label n:name="dynamic-$component->name"></label>
        <input n:name="dynamic-$component->name">

    <input n:name="send">

The form fields were created by your code except I placed the dynamic fields in a container using $form->addContainer().
(This is just to limit the fields to loop through, since you probably don't want to loop through all of the form fields including the submit button etc.)

$dynamic = $form->addContainer('dynamic');
foreach ($this->rows as $rowId => $row) {
Member | 10

@filsedla thx for your time, i learned so much from you!
i used the code foreach $form[‘dynamic’] as $component.....

@kamil_v “You can put $row into template in render method of presenter.”
i put $rows to container “dynamic” in createComponentForm…
why do u think I have to put $rows in render method? instead of createComponentForm…? Not correct MVC way :) Thx u.

Kamil Valenta
Member | 811

$rows may be a public/protected attribute of presenter used in Factory and render method together. I think it's MVC correct.
$form->addContainer(…) is a different way, that has a different DOM output than what you wanted in the original query.

Member | 10

@kamil_v thank you for explanation.