Recommended way how to upgrade to 3.0?

Member | 279


Currently I have this version of Nette:

System info
PHP	7.2.13
Tracy	2.5.2
Server	Apache
Composer Packages (20 + 1 dev)
dg/adminer-custom	v1.18.0
latte/latte	v2.4.8
nette/application	v2.4.13
nette/bootstrap	v2.4.6
nette/caching	v2.5.8
nette/component-model	v2.4.0
nette/database	v2.4.8
nette/di	v2.4.15
nette/finder	v2.4.2
nette/forms	v2.4.9
nette/http	v2.4.11
nette/mail	v2.4.6
nette/neon	v2.4.3
nette/php-generator	v2.6.4
nette/reflection	v2.4.2
nette/robot-loader	v3.1.1
nette/safe-stream	v2.3.3
nette/security	v2.4.4
nette/utils	v2.5.3
tracy/tracy	v2.5.8
Dev Packages
nette/tester	v2.0.2

When I run composer update i get this:

composer update
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
Nothing to install or update
Generating autoload files

What do I need to do to upgrade to version 3?


Member | 136

you need to modify composer.json file and modify version of dependencies there. However there are a lot of breaking changes in nette 3.0 so be prepared that nothing will work and a lot of code will have to be updated.
this tools can also help you:…code-checker…e/type-fixer

Member | 279

can I go step by step and update package by package?

Member | 136

nope, that won't really be possible since most of them require other nette package with higher version

Last edited by dkorpar (2019-05-04 14:34)

Member | 279

thank you

I used code checker and it told me that i use spaces insted of tabs and that I have some whitespaces

I am trying to use type-fixer but I am not able to run that file

'typefixer' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

file name does not have any extension, so what type of file is it and how can I run it?

Member | 279

it works when i run php typefixer but what i get is only this

Nette Type Fixer v0.1
Member | 279

I moved forward and maybe it will help someone.

What I did:

  1. I download package from Download page
  2. Removed old vendor folder in my project and copy new vendor folder from downloaded package
  3. Updated UserManager and ErrorPresenter from "Sandbox project ":
  4. Application seems to be running now but…
  5. I updated Boostrap.php in App Folder and index.php in www folder and now I get this error
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'App\Bootstrap' not found in /web/www/index.php:7 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in web/www/index.php on line 7

I cleared cache but no error is still present.

Did I forget something?

Member | 279

I found the problem, so next steps are:

  • Download package seems to be old so I created empty project using Composer and there are 3 differences
    • Bootstrap.php changed to Booting.php in App folder
    • index.php in www folder
    • autoload_rel.php in vendore folder
  • Renamed config.json to common.json

Application is now working

Last edited by MKI-Miro (2019-05-05 08:29)