Not finding the welcome page

Norton Canes
Member | 5

Hi, just started with Nette, installed it fine with Composer but when I go to http://localhost/nette-blog/www/
I don't get the welcome page, I get This site can’t be reached localhost refused to connect.

I'm doing this at work so I'm on a networked PC, does that make a difference? Also when I tried cd nette-blog && chmod -R a+rw temp log I got an error that ‘chmod’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file, is that an issue?


David Matějka
Moderator | 6445

do you have Apache server with php installed on your computer?

Norton Canes
Member | 5

No, I'm using my workplaces' network, so they'll be on a central server.

Member | 44

Then your address won't be localhost/nette-blog/www but your central server's local address…

Norton Canes
Member | 5

Installed WampServer in the end, working fine.