how to use component in Nette?
- thcom
- Backer | 95
hi, i am back in may be two years
nette is quite differet as i know in my last project
can ypo help me, how to use datetime component ?
i like this:…etimepicker/
i try as is written on autors page:
but i dont know where i should put files with this library
can ypu help me please
sorry for stupid question
- GEpic
- Member | 566
If you want basic datepicker for inputs, you really don't need to use these. Just use some front-end library (javascript), and do simple validation on back-end. This looks like an overkill to me (and also have old dependencies. Also I think that you really don't need to make dependency on Jquery UI, which is gigantic nonsense). If you need help with lightweight datepicker for your forms, write me PM, will help you.
Last edited by GEpic (2018-09-01 18:01)