How to join multiple where() with OR

Member | 128


the getSql() of

$query = $this->database->table('tableName');
$query->where('column1 = ? AND column2 = ?', 1, 2);
$query->where('column3 = ?', 3);


“SELECT id FROM tableName WHERE (column1 = ? AND column2 = ?) AND (column3 = ?)”

but I need to change it to

“SELECT id FROM tableName WHERE (column1 = ? AND column2 = ?) OR (column3 = ?)”

Is it possible using the Database explorer?

(I need to use multiple ->where() because they will be added by a foreach())


Ondřej Kubíček
Member | 494

i think it is not possible with this simple way.
multiple where or whereOr conditions are connected with the AND operator always.

Member | 128

I decided to modify the SqlBuilder

namespace Nette\Database\Table;

class SqlBuilder
	use Nette\SmartObject;

    /** @var boolean my new property */
    public $joinWheresWithOr = FALSE;


	 * Modified method buildConditions()
	 * @return string
	protected function buildConditions()
	    if($this->joinWheresWithOr === TRUE){
    		$this->joinWheresWithOr = FALSE;
    		return $this->where ? ' WHERE (' . implode(') OR (', $this->where) . ')' : '';

    	return $this->where ? ' WHERE (' . implode(') AND (', $this->where) . ')' : '';

I iterate over selected rows in the presenter so I can use:

$query = $this->database->table('tableName');
$query->where('column1 = ? AND column2 = ?', 1, 2);
$query->where('column3 = ?', 3);
$query->getSqlBuilder()->joinWheresWithOr = TRUE;

foreach($query as $row){
	/*do stuff*/

And now the sql query looks like “SELECT id FROM tableName WHERE (column1 = ? AND column2 = ?) OR (column3 = ?)”

Member | 566

What about whereOr (doc here | api here)?

Last edited by GEpic (2018-05-24 22:36)

Ondřej Kubíček
Member | 494

GEpic wrote:

What about whereOr (doc here | api here)?

as I wrote above. In docs there is written: Multiple where or whereOr conditions are connected with the AND operator.
For him it is not solution, whereOr is for connection several params with OR but not for multiple where or whereOr

Last edited by Ondřej Kubíček (2018-05-24 23:04)

Member | 566

And what about using only whereOr and use AND inside in brackets (like ->whereOr("(column = ? AND column2 = ?", $c1, $c2), should it work?

Last edited by GEpic (2018-05-25 14:58)