Nette Framework 2.4 (2018–02–06)

David Grudl
Nette Core | 8183

Nette Framework 2.4 (2018–02–06) has just been released.

This summarizes the differences from release 2017–08–29


  • FileLoader: isExpired called with correct file path (nette/latte#171)
  • Compiler: {$var} can be in quotes in <style>
  • TokenIterator: fixes, sync with nette/tokenizer

For the details you can have a look at the diff.


  • FileResponse: strict type fix for PHP 7.2
  • Template: added renderToString()

For the details you can have a look at the diff.


For the details you can have a look at the diff.


  • Message: fixed wrong content type for .eml files added as attachment nette/mail#47
  • SmtpMailer: allow setting the client name through config (nette/mail#46)
  • SmtpSender: Better handling of exceptions thrown when building the message (nette/mail#43)
  • travis: added PHP 7.2

For the details you can have a look at the diff.


  • throws exception when is unable to create temp directory

For the details you can have a look at the diff.


  • FileSystem::rename() fix renaming file/directory if only case changes (nette/utils#155)
  • Added Html::removeAttributes() – removing multiple attributes (nette/utils#161)
  • Reflection::getParameterDefaultValue: fix constant visibility handling (php 7.1) (nette/utils#156)
  • PHPStan: fixed some issues
  • Object, ObjectMixin: silently marked as deprecated

For the details you can have a look at the diff.


  • Bar: fixed Undefined index nette/tracy#271
  • TracyExtension: add configuration directive maxLength nette/tracy#274 (nette/tracy#275)
  • shortcuts: added function dumpe(), shortcut for dump()exit()
  • Better exception messages for invalid logging directory
  • Debugger::dispatch() is ignored in CLI
  • Bar: added info about OPcache
  • Bar: removed HHVM version from info panel
  • Bar: info panel counts only user defined classes/interfaces/traits
  • Debugger: added support for custom JS via $customJsFiles nette/tracy#265
  • Debugger: added support for custom CSS via $customCssFiles nette/tracy#27
  • Debugger: error handler context argument optional for compatibility with PHP 7.2 (nette/tracy#264)

For the details you can have a look at the diff.

  • Bar: uses session only for redirect, AJAX and when is rendered via renderLoader()
  • added example “preload”
  • bar.js: fixed attribute nonce
  • bar: fixed iconv_strlen may return false nette/tracy#263
  • Debugger::detectDebugMode() check for Forwarded header existence

For the details you can have a look at the diff.