Module on subdomain and links to other modules from it
Notice: This thread is very old.
- dkorpar
- Member | 136
We decided to put one Module in application to subdomain.
and then in RouterFactory we have
$router = new RouteList();
$router[] = new Route('//subdomain.%domain%/<presenter>/<action>/<id>', [
'presenter' => 'Default',
'action' => 'default',
'id' => NULL,
'module' => 'Module1',
$router[] = new Route('<presenter>/<action>/<id>', [
'presenter' => 'Default',
'action' => 'default',
'id' => NULL,
'module' => 'Module2',
if in Module 1 I'm using plink “:Module2:Article:default” url won't be
but subdomain.%domain%/article/
What's correct approach here and can it even work?
I tried also with
$router[] = new Route('//%domain%/<presenter>/<action>/<id>', [
'presenter' => 'Default',
'action' => 'default',
'id' => NULL,
'module' => 'Module2',
it's same