Low-level forms how to get values of the multiple inputs?

Notice: This thread is very old.
Member | 38

I needed dynamically made forms. I found that Low-level forms can help me. But I do not understand how to get values inside of the forms. I have table

	  <td> {$day} </td>
      <td> <input type=textbox name="sel[]"> </td>
      <td> <input type=textbox name="sel[]" ></td>
      <td> <input type=submit name="sel[]" value="Send"> </td>

I need to get values inside of the fields. I found this…

$values = $form->getHttpData($form::DATA_TEXT, 'sel[]');

But how should my function in Presenter look like? How will be that submit connected with all inputs?


Ondřej Kubíček
Member | 494

I think that you want to edit & save every row separately, right?

You should use Multiplier

Member | 38

Ondřej Kubíček wrote:

I think that you want to edit & save every row separately, right?

You should use Multiplier

Yes, thank you. That is what I needed. I can get the data.

My other pain is that some of the values will be already filled in, some will be empty. Like in this screenshot

I know,in normal forms, I can use this:

$form->addText('tag', '');
$form['tag']->setDefaultValue("my preset value");

But how to fill this forms?
My Presenter, for simplification only one text input:

protected function createComponentShopForm()
    return new Multiplier(function ($itemId) {
        $form = new Nette\Application\UI\Form;
        $form->addText('tag', '');

        $form->addHidden('itemId', $itemId);
        $form->addSubmit('send', 'Add to cart')
        ->onClick[] = [$this, 'shopFormSucceeded'];
        return $form;

My latte:

{foreach $days as $day}
    {$day} {control shopForm-$day}

Thank you.

Last edited by asinkan (2018-01-29 23:32)

Ondřej Kubíček
Member | 494

you know $itemId so you can easily use something like this

return new Multiplier(function ($itemId) {
	$row = $context->table('days')->get($itemId); //or whenever you store data
	$form->addText('tag', '')->setDefaultValue($row->tag);