Modular system with extension components
- holantomas
- Member | 55
Hi, I've created some systems and everytime, had to solve some modularity.
For example imagine Person detail page.
There are two main columns(left is with box and person information in there,
right is with box for person files, person images etc.). Then will come SMS
modul. One function is inject to right column box which able you to send SMS to
this person. So you install modul over composer a have to add component to
presenter and then edit action template.
So I decide to create agenda system. Every presenter has own agenda(for
keeping clean presenter without tons of components). This agendas are registered
as component in DIC and are extended by BaseContainer class which is just
another component(just container for components where you can define wrapper
HTML for example bootstrap's
<div class="col-sm-12"></div>
). So if you install new
modul, it's just look for PersonAgenda server. Take right column component and
over addComponent
inject own SMS box.
What you think about? Did someone create something similiar?