Tracy in Nette Configurator detect by ‘cookie@ip’

Member | 14

For documentation of Tracy in Nette 2.4, there is a link to .
Documentation at says, that for using detect mode for Tracy, you can set cookie with name tracy-debug with value of secret.
But if you use Nette Configuration in bootstrap, the name of cookie is nette-debug, and I cannot find this information in documentation nowhere. (Only in API code )
Code of bootstrap:

// Configure application
$configurator = new Nette\Configurator;
// Enable Nette Debugger for error visualisation & logging
$configurator->enableTracy(ROOT_DIR . '/log');

I think, there can be some info in Nette documentation or set Configurator to the same secret cookie name (tracy-debug).

Member | 3608

and in tracy\debugger:…ger.php.html#27 :D

btw Tracy\Debugger::detectDebugMode is almost same as Bootstrap\Configurator::detectDebugMode

Last edited by CZechBoY (2017-11-03 13:54)