Persistent parameter of component is not carried over on presenter redirect

Notice: This thread is very old.
Member | 153

I have component named MyComp that has persistent parameter $foo and it lives in my HomepagePresenter, particularly it is used in Default action. I also have another action called RedirectFoo($foo) that is supposed to set the $foo parameter of MyComp to specific value. It however doesn't seem to work and the persistent parameter not carried over on redirect.

I have it like this:

class MyComp extends \Nette\Application\UI\Control
	/** @persistent */
	public $foo;

class HomepagePresenter extends BasePresenter
	public function actionRedirectFoo($foo)
		$this['myComp']->foo = $foo;

	public function createComponentMyComp()
		return new MyComp;
David Matějka
Moderator | 6445

you can mark a component as a persistent, iirc it should look like this:

* @persistent(myComp)
class HomepagePresenter
Member | 153

Didn't know about this feature, it works, thank you!

David Matějka wrote:

you can mark a component as a persistent, iirc it should look like this:

* @persistent(myComp)
class HomepagePresenter